Natural Language Generation: From Textual Data to Syntax Trees


Natural Language Generation Market

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) programming to generate written or spoken narratives from a data set is known as natural language generation (NLG). NLG is associated with human-machine and machine-to-human interaction, such as computational linguistics, natural language processing (NLP), and natural language understanding (NLU).

NLG research frequently focuses on developing computer programs that provide data points with context. Sophisticated NLG software can mine large amounts of numerical data, identify patterns, and share that information in an easy-to-understand format. NLG software's speed is especially useful for producing news and other time-sensitive stories for the internet

The global Natural Language Generation Market accounted for US$ 411.5 Mn in terms of value in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.2% for the period 2020-2027.

The field of natural language processing has been around since the 1950s, but only recently have we seen a surge in interest. NLP is the study of computational methods that can understand human-language text. This includes things like sentiment analysis, summarization, question answering, and even translation. Syntactic parsing is the task of breaking down the syntax of a sentence into its constituent parts. In other words, this is the process of taking a string of words and determining what each word means. A parser takes some input and returns a parse tree. Semantic parsing is the opposite of syntactic parsing. Instead of looking at individual words, semantic parsers look at entire sentences. They take some input and return a meaningful representation. A syntax tree, also known as a parse tree, is a tree that represents the various syntactic categories of a sentence. It aids us in comprehending the syntactical structure of a sentence. Because the majority of important information is written down in natural languages such as English, French, and German, NLP enables computers to communicate with humans in their native languages and perform other language-related tasks. Finally, NLP allows computers to read text, hear speech, interpret and realize it, understand the sentiment, and identify important parts of a text or speech.


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