Here's Everything You Need to Know About Footwear
refers to garments worn on the feet that typically serve the purpose of
protecting the wearer from environmental adversities such as wear from ground
textures and temperature. Fotwear in the form of shoes, for example, serves the
primary purpose of facilitating locomotion and preventing injuries. It can also
be used for fashion and adornment, as well as to indicate a person's social
status or rank. Socks and other hosiery are typically worn in addition to other
fotwear to provide additional comfort and relief. Different cultures have
different fotwear customs. These include not using any in certain situations,
which usually have a symbolic meaning. This can also be imposed on specific
individuals to put them at a practical disadvantage when compared to shod
people, if they are not allowed to have or use fotwear. This usually occurs in
situations of captivity, such as imprisonment or slavery, where the groups are
clearly divided by, among other things, whether or not fotwear is worn. People
in some cultures remove their shoes before entering a house. Bare feet are also
regarded as a sign of humility and respect, and many religious adherents
worship or mourn while barefoot. Some religious communities require people to
remove their shoes before entering holy buildings such as temples.
The global
Athletic Footwear
Market was accounted for US$ 85,047 Mn in terms of value by the end of 2019 and is expected to grow
at 1.8% CAGR during the forecast period (2020-2027).
Athletic and non-athletic footwear are divided into two categories. Running shoes, sports shoes, trekking/hiking shoes, and other athletic types are included in the athletic fotwear segment. Boots, flip-flops/slippers, sneakers, and other non-athletic are included in the non-athletic fotwear segment. Further segmentation is performed based on end user, which includes men, women, and children. Modern fotwear is typically made of leather, plastic, or rubber. In fact, leather was one of the first materials used in the creation of a shoe. The soles can be made of rubber or plastic, with a sheet of metal inserted at times. The soles of Roman sandals were made of metal sheets to prevent them from bending out of shape. Nike, for example, has recently begun to source environmentally friendly materials.
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