The Only Method Used To Treat Bulimia Nervosa Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Bulimia Nervosa Treatment
Bulimia Nervosa Treatment

A psychiatric condition with a high mortality rate is bulimia. The disorder includes excessive purging and binge eating. Bulimia patients frequently struggle with body image issues and believe they have little control over their eating patterns. As a result, individuals could practise compensatory behaviours like overeating or cutting back on their workout routine. Bulimia nervosa is a psychiatric and social disorder that can develop for a variety of reasons. Traumatic experiences, low self-esteem, and perfectionism are some of these causes. Additionally, those who struggle with bulimia are more likely to be fat, overweight, or engage in activities and groups that emphasise weight.

The global Bulimia Nervosa Treatment Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 455.7 Mn in 2020, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period (2020-2027).

The cognitive behavioural therapy approach, which involves three overlapping phases, is the foundation of the treatment for bulimia nervosa. The patient learns to "go with the flow" and tolerate bad thoughts and feelings through this therapy. Patients who use it also learn to communicate their emotions and alter their thought processes. Patients with the illness have found success with this kind of treatment. A surgical component of bulimia nervosa treatment is surgery. At the subcallosal cingulate gyrus, deep brain stimulation is administered bilaterally.

Reducing bulimia symptoms while also enhancing general psychiatric functioning and quality of life are the main objectives of bulimia nervosa treatment. The side effects of the condition are also attempted to be reduced by this kind of treatment. Abstinence rates, the frequency of binge eating and other behaviours, depression ratings, and improvements in social and adaptive functioning are used to assess treatment success.

Psychotherapy is used in the treatment of bulimia nervosa on an individual, family, and group level. The initial stage of treatment focuses on the social setting of the eating disorder. The problem area is the emphasis of phase two, and the person's development and strategies for resolving potential interpersonal conflicts are the focus of phase three. Even though bulimia nervosa treatment is frequently effective, it can have unfavourable side effects.


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