Humic Acid is an Organic Compound Extracted From Soil (HA)

Humic substances (HS), which are the main organic components of soil, peat, and coal, make up the majority of humus (and also a constituent of many upland streams, dystrophic lakes, and ocean water). Much of the understanding of humic substances in the 19th and 20th centuries was based on the acid-base theory, which classified humic acids (HA) as organic acids and their conjugate bases, humates, as important constituents of organic matter. According to this viewpoint, fulvic acids (FA) are organic acids that remain soluble when a strong-base extract is acidified, in contrast to humid acids (HA), which, when exposed to an acidic extract of a powerful base, coagulate (break into little, solid pieces) when collected from soil. A humin is the remaining portion of humus that is insoluble in alkalis.

The global Humic Acid Market is estimated to surpass US$ 1,240.4 million by the end of 2027 in terms of revenue, exhibiting a CAGR of 11.7% during the forecast period (2021 to 2027).

Molecules from dead plants and animals are released into the earth, where other living things can use them. The new material is consumed by bacteria, fungus, protozoa, earthworms, and even insects. The substance that is still present after extensive periods of time, after the decomposing matter has gone through several cycles of consumption and transformation, is known as humus. (This process is known as "mummification"). Generally speaking, the term "humus" refers to extremely complex, stable molecules that are impervious to further deterioration. Humus also includes human beings, folic acids, and humid acids. For a healthy soil environment, humic and fulvic acids have been found to be helpful, especially for their contributions to soil structure and the movement of nutrients between the soil and plants.

Products containing humic acid are commonly accessible. But not all humics are made equally. Some items are so severely lacking in humid acid that they are essentially unusable. Find out where the material is coming from to make sure you are getting a high-quality product. The Menace Formation in northwest New Mexico, which is recognised as the world's best source of humid acid compounds, is the source of all of our products.


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