Plasma and TIG Welding Utilize Tungsten Electrode

For arc or plasma welding, the tungsten inert gas technique makes use of tungsten electrodes. An inert gas is used during the procedure to protect the arc, electrode, and weld pool from outside pollution. Due of its ability to withstand extremely high temperatures with negligible erosion, tungsten is used as an electrode material. After sintering, tungsten electrodes are prepared using metallurgical precipitates before being sized. Most tungsten inert gas welding electrodes contain trace amounts of other metallic oxides, which improve arc stability, increase the capacity of the current-carrying rod, lessen the possibility of contamination of the weld, and prolong electrode life. The most commonly utilised oxides are those formed of zirconium, thorium, yttrium, and cerium. The standard add-on cost is between 1% and 4%. All of the oxides significantly improve arc start, especially when using DC welding.

According to Coherent Market Insights the Tungsten Electrode Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2022-2028.

Thorium oxide has been used for a very long period due to its usefulness in terms of long life and heat efficiency. In AC TIG welding, zirconium oxide has mostly been used to weld aluminium. The least radioactive element, thorium has a long half-life and emits primarily alpha particles. Furthermore, it occasionally emits extremely small quantities of beta and gamma radiation. Alpha particles cannot pass through skin or paper. Despite their appearance as chemicals, they are dangerous if released into the lungs or digestive system. Therefore, thorium oxide is the least radioactive substance that could pose a little internal risk from ingestion or inspired breath as well as a small external risk from radioactivity.

The projected external radiation hazards for a welder using an electrode for a full year are very low in relation to the maximum allowable radiation dosage, and it is believed that these risks are likely to be insignificant. In a typical arcing incident, no radioactive material is released.


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